Due to the Easter holidays and some personal vacation, I decided to merge 2 weekly revies into one:
Last week I said I would:

Last week I said I would:
- Plan a communications meeting for my newly enlarged team (done)
- Get get PBC goals agreed for all of my team (done)
- Help make plans for OSS Bar Camp (done)
- Finalize the plans for Portal to move to the latest Sametime API and finalise technical direction for Mashup Maker integration (plans for Portal almost finalised but not much progress on Mashup maker)
- Try to get a clear plan on Lotus Connections about how the two products can work together better (clear plan for Connections 3.0 - deferred discussion longer term plans)
- Help with testing ST 8.5.1 on Linux - particularly Pulse Audio support (done)
- Set up Sametime 8.5.1 build environment on my PC so that I can learn more about Sametime internals (done)
- Write a Q1 review on my blog (done)
- Continue using Notes as a GTD tracking system (done - but not yet blogged about)
- Attended IEEE conference on Transforming Engineering Education
- Hosted a visit from my boss (who is based in US and had never before met me or any of my team in person).
- Attended IBM Academy of Technology conference on mobile collaboration
- Atten
- Assist in running OSS Bar Camp
- Finalize the plans for Portal to move to the latest Sametime API
- Begin planning work on Sametime/MashupMaker integration
- Start work on building a picture outlining the different methods for extending Sametime so that we can gain agreement on which are strategically preferred and which shoudl be deprecated.
- Write blog post about using Notes as a GTD tracking system

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