- I intend to start by playing some of the video hackumentary from Yahoo to acknowledge the Yahoo events ad the inspiration for the IBM Hackdays (but I will mention that Yahoo were not the first - just the best publicised).
Open Hack Day 2008 - a hackumentary | Part 1 from ricky montalvo on Vimeo.
- Next I will hare a Google map that shows the spread of the Hackday meme.
View Hackday in a larger map
Then I will show where the Hackday 007 local events are happening
View Hackday7 Local Events in a larger map - Next I will tell them about out local Hackdays by showing them the map of Hackday pictures on Flickr
- I will share some statistics of the growth of Hackday from HD1 through HD6
HD1 1-Jun-2006 59 64 HD2 1-Dec-2006 20 30 HD3 18-May-2007 70 88 HD4 12-Oct-2007 129 161 HD5 25-Apr-2008 353 433 HD6 24-Oct-2008 449 552
I will speak about the concept of "winning" Hackday. Mostly the prize is the recognition of your peers. Occasionally we run special contest in conjunction with Hackday. There will be special conditions/criterion associate with the competitions (e.g. the best example of using a particular tool/technology). The competition winners can win a substantial prize e.g. US$1,500 or a trip to Lotusphere.- Finally I will how a few example hacks such as
- IBM Travel Maps - a cool map/mash-up which allows IBMers to see IBM offices, IBM Approved Hotels, Airport etc. for a city that they plan to visit.
- Google Gadgets in Notes - this was an early version of a feature which subsequently became Notes Widgets. At the time we had a composite application programming model, but no components were available to be assembled into composite applications.
- Sametime command line - a simple command line interface to Sametime. Typical use case is a build script which sends a Sametime IM message to members of the development team when the the build is complete.
- MicroBlogCentral a notes side shelf plugin which sends updates to the Lotus Connections Porfiles site - and also sends to Twitter, BlueTwit, BeeHive and several other services.
- Finally I hope there can be some open discussion about whether or not it would be feasible to run Hackdays in other large companies and/or in conjunction with Lotus User Group events.

I added 2 sample files to http://drop.io/hackday to give a flavour
ReplyDeleteOn reflection I may start with the following YouTube video in place of the hackumentary. It is a TV news report which omits much of the detail, but it only takes 2 minutes and I don't want to waste too much time during the talk showing a video which people can watch anytime.
It was a fantastic event – lots of incredibly talented, inspired hackers. I’m not sure that anyone from the UK will be able to make it but I’ll certainly pass this on – and post a comment if we’re able to be there. Thanks you.